Style/esteem founder sonya keshwani featured by tiffany & co
In The Media
How To Be Successful Even When You Are The Only One In The Room That Looks Like You
Being the only one in the room who looks like me has been a journey of embracing both my uniqueness and my shared humanity with others.
World Bride Magazine: Turbans And Headpieces Add Individual Style To Your Look
Keshwani is poised to expand globally and recently branched out into Couture bridal headpieces imbuing each with a variety of references that allow the wearer to...
StyleEsteem: Fashion as Armor
Sonya not only prioritizes the reflection on the history of turbans, but also emphasizes the idea that anyone who wears her headwear today will become part of that...
A Fashionista and a Turbanista
Melissa Berry of Cancer Fashionista covers StyleEsteem Wardrobe in her column, “A Common Thread,” for Cancer Wellness Magazine. "A Common Thread" covers innovative fashion brands that feature clothing both...